Polygons and Quadrilaterals
During this last week before winter break we will be finishing up our study of polygons and quadrilaterals. We will talk about how we can address polygons on the coordinate plane (graph).
Early in the week we will also spend some time reviewing. The consensus of the class was that we would like to spend our review day working on our review questions individually and then go over any major trouble spots as a class. We will decided on our test date as a class at then end of our review.
Please note that if you are going to be absent from class on the test date, please make sure you take the test BEFORE winter break. You will do much better on the assessment if the material is fresh. Also, all tests must be completed before winter break. If you need additional time to finish the test, please make arrangements with Mrs. Kamenar to finish it before school, after school, or during lunch.
Since we will be finishing Unit 6 before break, students will have a break free from Geometry homework. Enjoy your break! :)