Students who are interested in retaking the unit 1 summative have until Monday to do so. Please remember that students must follow all steps of the process:
- All formative work must be complete for the unit (please verify this in Infinite Campus)
- Corrections must be made on the original assessment
- Students should e-mail Mrs. Kamenar to request extra practice for the section(s) they would like to retake (
- Students must complete the retake before our next summative (Due by MONDAY 10/3)
If you have not made arrangements with me for a time to complete your retake, please do so ASAP!
Finishing Up Unit 2: Reasoning and Proof
For Monday's class, students will need to bring in their completed unit 2 practice test. We will make sure that we clear up questions that students have before our summative assessment on Tuesday. Once we have answered questions, students will play a review game called "Castle Attack". Each team will start with 5 castles. Students will work in teams to solve problems like they will see on Tuesday's summative. If a team gets a question correct, they can choose to either add two castles to their own team or remove two castles from other teams. (There is a maximum of 5 castles per team). The team at the end with the most castles wins!
During Tuesday's class, students will complete our second summative assessment. For this assessment, we will cover two learning targets:
- 1b: I can use the basic language of logic
- 1d: I can prove theorems about lines and angles.
Students will demonstrate their understanding of logic statements and indirect proof in the first section of the test. On the second section, students will demonstrate their knowledge of basic algebraic and geometric two column proofs.

MAP Testing
On Wednesday of this week, freshmen will complete the MAP test. We will meet in the West Lecture Hall in the junior hallway to complete this assessment. Students will need to have the NWEA MAP app installed on their iPads before Wednesday's class.
Unit 3: Parallel Lines
On the last day of class for the week, we will start our study of unit 3. In this unit, students will examine patterns that are formed when two parallel lines are crossed by a transversal. Students will then apply their knowledge of these relationships in order to prove a relationship between two angles.