Friday, December 16, 2016

What's Going On? December 19th through December 22nd

Class Kick Session: Sunday, December 18th from 1pm-2pm
In preparation for Monday's Unit 6 Summative Assessment on Polygons and Quadrilaterals, I will be offering a Class Kick session where students can get some extra help on our review assignment.  After taking a poll of students, the majority of the vast majority of students voted to hold our session on Sunday, December 18th from 1pm-2pm.  The class code is KWP 3OF.  Even if you cannot join our official session, I encourage students to still use the Class Kick app as there are embedded videos explaining each problem.  Also, if students get stuck, have a question, or need me to check a question they can "raise a hand" or ask me to "please check" and I can leave feedback.  I will do my best to check in with Class Kick a few times over the weekend.  Please also note that the answer key for our review assignment is posted on BlackBoard.  Happy studying!

School Schedule for the Week
Since this is a four day week leading up to our winter break, our schedule will look a little different.  We will not run a traditional "Monday Schedule".  Instead, we will run our typical "Tuesday schedule" on Monday, our "Wednesday schedule" on Tuesday, our "Thursday schedule" on Wednesday and our "Friday schedule" on Thursday.  We will also have a modified schedule on Thursday with a pep assembly at the end of the day.

Honors Geometry Schedule for the Week
We will start the week by completing our Unit 6 Summative Assessment on Polygons and Quadrilaterals.  This assessment will cover our 3c learning target on solving for missing measurements and our 2c learning target on proving theorems about quadrilaterals.  

I will not be in class on Tuesday, but on this day students will spend some time reviewing how to write equations of lines.  This is a topic that students have struggled with in the past and it is definitely something students will need to know as they progress on to Honors Algebra 2 and future math classes.  On our last day of class for the week, we will go through our unit 6 summative assessment results and review any problems with which students continue to struggle.

Winter Break
Winter break is Friday, December 23rd through January 2nd.  School will resume on Tuesday, January 3rd.  I hope everyone enjoys this break and has time to relax and spend time with family and friends!  Stay warm!

Friday, December 9, 2016

What's Going On? December 12th through 16th

Unit 6: Polygons and Quadrilateral

This week we will spend some more time working with the concepts we learned throughout our polygons and quadrilaterals unit.  On Monday, students will work in small groups to create videos with Explain Everything in order to create a class library of how to solve problems based on different shape characteristics.

On Tuesday and Wednesday of the week, students will work on our "Polygons and Quadrilaterals Detectives In-Training" project.  On Tuesday, students will work in small groups to choose four quadrilaterals. Students will need to determine the coordinates of their vertices, making sure to work within the constraints of the project.  On Wednesday, students will switch their quadrilaterals with another group.  The students will use their detective skills to classify the quadrilateral based on the properties graphed.

On the last day of class for the week, students will complete our review assignment in order to prepare for our summative assessment on Monday, December 19th.  Any students who are interested in retaking our unit 5 summative assessment will need to have this completed by December 16th.  Please see me if you have any questions!

Friday, December 2, 2016

What's Going On? December 5th through December 9th

Continuing with Unit 6: Polygons and Quadrilaterals
This week we will continue our study of unit 6 and we will continue our focus on quadrilaterals.  On Monday I will not be in class (I will be working with the yearbook club picture day), so students will watch the Kites and Trapezoids video to guide through the notes and then will have the rest of the class period to work on our homework assignment.  On Tuesday we will go through any questions that students had from Monday's video, we will review our properties of polygons and quadrilaterals, and do a formal formative check-in on how the unit is going so far.  We will finish up the week by looking at quadrilaterals in the coordinate plane (think: graph) and how to formalize a proof of quadrilaterals in the coordinate plane.

Interested in Computer Science? Try An Hour of Code!
December 5th through 9th is Computer Science Education Week and people all around the country and world are participating in the "Hour of Code".  Tens of millions of people in over 180 countries have participated in an "Hour of Code" event.  North will be hosting an "Hour of Code" event on Thursday, December 8th after school from 3:15-4:15 in computer lab 300.  If you would like to learn a little bit more about computer programming, please join us!  Please see me if you have any questions.