Thursday, March 29, 2018

What's Going On? April 9th through April 13th

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a restful spring break and we are rested up.  It is time to hit the ground running!  We have nine weeks until the end of the school year.  What does that mean?  If you are not happy with your current standing in the class, NOW is the time to act!  I would be more than happy to work with you and answer questions so you can end the year satisfied with your end results!

Unit 10: Area

This week we will continue our study of "Area".  We will spend Monday's class reviewing the work we did before spring break.  We will spend Tuesday and Wednesday working with the area and circumference of circles.  Thursday's class will be spent investigating the relationship between the perimeter and the area of figures.  We will also be talking about our project that ties in with our area unit this week.

Friday, March 23, 2018

What's Going On? March 26th through March 29th

It's a Short Week!
This is just a reminder that this week is a shortened week where we will not have school on Friday and students have an early release day on Thursday.  This means that Monday will have a "Tuesday-style" schedule, Tuesday, will have a "Wednesday-style" schedule, Wednesday will have a "Thursday-style" schedule, and Thursday will have a modified "Friday-style" schedule.  Our third quarter grades will also be posted on Thursday afternoon.

Unit 10: Area
This week, students will start our study on "Area".  This unit will contain the most practical knowledge that students may need to use in day-to-day life.  Our work on "Area" is especially helpful when it comes to home remodeling and DIY projects.  During this unit, we will focus on practical applications such as calculating the surface area of a room and calculating the cost of paint. 

On Monday of this week, we will focus in on calculating the area of rectangles, triangles and parallelograms.  On Tuesday, we will focus on calculating the area of kites, rhombuses and trapezoids, and on Wednesday we will focus on calculating the area of regular polygons.  We will also have a design project to work on throughout this unit.  We will talk about the details of this project later this week.
Image result for geometry area

Friday, March 16, 2018

What's Going On? March 19th through March 23rd

Unit 9: Circles

This week, we will be finishing up our ninth unit on circles.  We will spend Monday's class learning how to construct a line that is tangent to a circle.  For this, students will need to use a compass and a straight edge.

During class on Tuesday, we will start our review of the unit.  Students will participate in an "Escape Room" and will need to follow a bunch of clues and solve some problems in order to "break out".  During class on Wednesday, we will complete our unit 9 summative review and we will hold a "Class Kick" session on Wednesday night to prepare for our summative assessment during class on Thursday.  For this summative assessment, students will be tested on two learning targets:
  • 2b: I can write the equation for a circle.
  • 3e: I can describe, solve and analyze relationships between parts of circles.

Interested in a Summative Retake for Unit 8 Summative Assessment?
Students who are interested in retaking one or both sections of the unit 8 summative assessment on triangles will have until Wednesday, March 22 to complete the retake.  Students must complete corrections on the original summative assessment, complete the requested extra practice, and complete the retake by Wednesday.  Just a reminder that the score of the retake will be entered into Infinite Campus, even if that score is lower than the original.  Please see me if you have any questions.  I am here to help!

Friday, March 9, 2018

What's Going On? March 12th through March 16th

Unit 9: Circles

This week, we will continue our study of circles.  On Monday, we will focus in on properties of chords and arcs, Tuesday' class will focus in on inscribed angles, Wednesday's class will focus in on angle relationships that are formed within circles and Thursday's class will focus in on segment length relationships that are formed within circles.  Throughout the week, students should expect to see a few formative assessments so we can gauge our current level of understanding.

Extra Help

Need extra help?  Not scoring as well as you would like on your formative assessments?  Come see me!  I am available every day between 7:00 and 7:30am and on Wednesdays and Thursday from 7:00-8:00pm.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

What's Going On? March 5th through March 9th

Finishing Up Unit 8: Triangles

During class on Monday, students will continue our preparation for our unit 8 summative.  Students will review by playing "Castle Attack", a team-based competition that will feature several review problems from our unit.  On Tuesday, students will complete the unit 8 summative.  This assessment will include two learning targets:
  • 3d: I can solve for missing measures in right triangles
  • 3h: I can solve for missing measures in non-right triangles
Students will need to demonstrate their knowledge of the Pythagorean Theorem, special right triangles, and right triangle trigonometry for our first portion of the test.  For the second part of the test, students will show how to use the Law of Sines, Law of Cosines, and how to find the area of a non-right triangle.  Any students who need a little extra review are invited to attend our Class Kick session on Monday night from 8:30-9:30pm.

Unit 9: Circles

Once we finish up our eighth unit about triangles, we will dive into circles.  We will spend Wednesday's class talking about circle terminology as well as how to write the equation of a circle.  During our last class of the week, we will talk about lines tangent to a circle and the types of relationships that are formed.