Friday, December 13, 2019

What's Going On? December 16th through December 20th

Winter Spirit Week!

This week, we will have a spirit week with different themed dress-up days.  On Friday, we will run a modified schedule and there will be an assembly with a student-staff volleyball game at the end of the day.  Please note: Tuesday is also club picture day.  Students should listen to the announcements and report to the auditorium when their group is called.

Finishing Up Unit 6: Polygons and Quadrilaterals

During class on Monday, students will have the class period to work on our summative review in preparation for Tuesday's summative.  On Tuesday, students will complete the unit 6 summative during class.  Please note: I will not be in class on this day as I will be running yearbook club picture day.  Students who have last-minute questions can see me before the start of the school day.  The test will take place in our flexible learning space in the 200 hallway.  Students will be permitted to use a calculator (not on the iPad) and will need to turn in their phones or leave them in their lockers during the summative.  Students who will need to leave class during the summative due to a yearbook picture should talk with me about starting the assessment early so that it can be finished by the end of class.  You can check out the club picture day schedule here:

In class during Wednesday and Thursday, students will participate in some ACT-style review questions as well as work on some concepts related to probability.

Planning Ahead

For those of you who like to plan ahead, here is the semester exam schedule for January:

Thursday, December 5, 2019

What's Going On? December 9th through December 13th

Quadrilaterals on the Coordinate Plane

This week we will work on applying our knowledge of quadrilaterals to the coordinate plane.  That means, we will examine the coordinates of a quadrilateral and use various algebra formulas to classify the shape.  Students will use our previously applied slope, midpoint, and distance formulas to determine the measures of angles and side lengths for our figure.  Then, based on the characteristics we have learned about for the different types of quadrilaterals, students will be able to classify the shape.  We will end the week with a "Quadrilaterals Detectives in Training" formative assessment where students will work in groups to graph
different shapes based on the characteristics.  Then the groups will swap projects and use their "detective skills" in order to determine the type of shape graphed.

January Exam Schedule

For those of you who like to plan ahead, check out our exam schedule for January: