Saturday, November 28, 2020

What's Going On? November 30th through December 4th

 Thought for the Week

Virtual Learning

We will spend some time focusing on how to be successful digital learners.  Now that we are switching back to the hybrid model, it is time to reflect on what is going well in terms of virtual learning and what would be going better.  We will talk about the skills necessary to be successful learners and some tips & tricks to help make the best of our hybrid learning situation.

Unit 6: Polygons & Quadrilaterals

This week, we will start on our sixth unit of the year where we will focus on polygons and properties of different types of quadrilaterals.  During class on Monday, we will spend time learning how to determine the measures for the interior and exterior angles of polygons.  During class on Tuesday and Wednesday, we will talk about some skills to be productive digital learners.  We will put those skills to the test as we learn about the properties of parallelograms.  During class on Thursday, we will talk about how to prove that a figure is a parallelogram.  On Friday, we will review everything we have learned about in unit 6 so far and complete a formative check-in.

Friday, November 20, 2020

What's Going On? November 23rd and November 24th

  Shortened Week

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, we will have school virtually on Monday and Tuesday this week.  For these two days, we will following the following schedule:

Wrapping Up Unit 5: Triangle Relationships

During this short week, we will wrap up our work on Unit 5: Triangle Relationships.  We will spend Monday's class going over last-minute questions and playing a review game.  Students will complete our unit 5 summative during our scheduled class on Tuesday.  STUDENTS MUST LOG IN TO COMPLETE OUR SUMMATIVE DURING OUR SCHEDULED CLASS UNLESS THE STUDENT HAS AN EXCUSED ABSENCE FROM CLASS.  In order to complete the summative, students will need to have a compass and a ruler.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!  
Enjoy your break from school!  We will resume our hybrid schedule from the beginning of the year during the week of 11/30, with face-to-face instruction resuming on 12/1 for students in cohort 1 and on 12/2 for students in cohort 2.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

What's Going On? November 16th through November 20th

 Thought for the Week

Set goals for yourself and work towards them.  Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it!

Unit 5: Relationships in Triangles

This week, students will continue with their study of relationships that exist within triangles.  We will look at what happens when we draw in angle bisectors, perpendicular bisectors, altitudes, and medians within a triangle.  Students will need to make sure to bring a compass and ruler along to class this week, as we will be constructing using paper and our construction tools.

Friday, November 6, 2020

What's Going On? Monday November 9th through November 13th

Wrapping Up Unit 4: Triangle Congruence

This week, students will wrap up our unit on triangle congruence.  We will spend Monday's class reviewing.  Based on student feedback, we will have a class Kahoot review game on Monday.  Students will have the Unit 4 Summative Review for homework.  During class on Tuesday, students will complete the Unit 4 Summative.  STUDENTS MUST COMPLETE THE SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT DURING OUR SCHEDULED CLASS TIME.

Unit 5: Relationships in Triangles

Unit 5 is a very short unit that we will be wrapping up prior to moving into our much anticipated Thanksgiving break.  In this unit, we will focus on relationships that exist within triangles.  We will look at angle bisectors, perpendicular bisectors, and points of concurrency that exist within triangles.  Along with this unit, students will be trying out a new math resourced called "Envision" to guide us in our learning.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

What's Going On? November 2nd through November 6th

Conference Opportunity

On Wednesday, November 18th, Waukesha North will again hold virtual conferences.  If you are interested in meeting with me, please sign up for a time slot.  You can find me under the 'Math' department.

Continuing on with Unit 4: Triangle Congruence

This week, we will continue our study of triangle congruence.  Now that we have five different triangle shortcuts in our toolkit (SSS, SAS, ASA, SAA, and HL Congruence), now it is time for us to apply them using a formal two-column proof.  Early in the week (Tuesday), students will check their current level of understanding with a formative assessment.  After this, we will also explore how, once we have proved our triangles are congruent, how we can prove that parts of triangles are congruent.  As we go through our study for the week, we will continue to work within the Agile Mind platform.