Friday, November 19, 2021

What's Going On? November 22nd and November 23rd

 Happy Thanksgiving!

Modified Schedule for the Week

This week, students will have school on Monday and Tuesday.  We will not have school Wednesday through Friday for Thanksgiving break. Here is the schedule we will follow next week:

Unit 5: Triangle Relationships

This week, we will spend some time talking about the relationships formed when an angle bisector or a perpendicular bisector are drawn within a triangle.  We will talk about how to solve for missing measurements, how to construct points of concurrency, and how to write the equations for these lines.

Please Note: For this unit, students will need to have a compass and straight edge in order to perform our geometric constructions.

Friday, November 12, 2021

What's Going On? November 15th through November 19th

Sign up For Conferences: Wednesday, November 17th

Our next opportunity for parent-teacher conferences is on Wednesday, November 17th.  These conferences are available by appointment only.  Please click on the link below to sign up for a time slot.

Thought for the Week

How would you classify your mindset?

Unit 4: Triangles and Triangle Congruence

This week, we will wrap up our fourth unit on triangles and triangle congruence.  We will spend Monday's class with a formative on proving triangles congruent.  Tuesday's class will be spent reviewing the entire unit and we will complete the Unit 4 Summative during class on Wednesday.  Students are invited to come in before school or during our lunchtime JIT if they would like some extra help.

On Friday, we will start our fifth unit on relationships within triangles.  Our focus for Friday will be on relationships formed when an angle bisector appears within a triangle.

Friday, November 5, 2021

What's Going On? November 8th through November 12th

Thought for the Week

 Parent-Teacher Conferences by Appointment

Would you like to schedule a time to meet to talk about your student's progress?  Check out the link below
to sign up for a time slot during our scheduled parent-teacher conference night on Wednesday, November 17th from 5pm-7pm.

Unit 4: Triangles and Triangle Congruence

This week, we will start to apply our knowledge of our triangle congruence shortcuts with a formal two-column proof.  Using this proof structure, and our five triangle congruence shortcuts, students will learn how to prove that two triangles are congruent.  Once we learn how to prove that two triangles are congruent, we will extend our knowledge and learn how to prove that parts of congruent triangles are congruent.