Friday, January 15, 2016

What's Going On? January 18th through 21st

Exam Week: January 18-21st

This week is the official semester exam week.  Please check the schedule to see where you are supposed to be and when.  Our first period Honors Geometry class will have our exam on Monday from 8:10-9:40.  Our second period Honors Geometry class will have our exam on Monday from 9:50-11:20.  Our fourth period Honors Geometry class will have our exam on Wednesday from 8:10-9:40.  It is extremely important that you arrive on time to your exam!

What's on the Honors Geometry Exam?

For this first semester exam, you will have three required sections on your exam:
  • 1d: Proofs about lines and angle
  • 1e: Proving triangles congruent
  • 3c: Solving for missing measures
You will also need to choose at least  two additional sections for your exam.  You may choose to take more than two additional sections, but you must complete the exam within the 90 minute exam period.  Please check Infinite Campus to see your current grade status for each learning target as you make your selection.  

  • 1a: I can precisely define Geometric terms
  • 1b: I can use the basic language of logic
  • 2a: I can write equations of lines
  • 2c: I can prove theorems about quadrilaterals
  • 3a: I can use the segment and angle addition postulate

What to bring to the exam

On the day of the exam, you should bring a calculator, something to write with, your "cheat sheet" and something to do if you finish the exam early.

Cheat Sheet

For the exam you may use one 8-1/2" by 11" piece of paper.  On this piece of paper, you may include formulas, definitions, sample problems....ANYTHING YOU WANT!  The cheat sheet must be handwritten and will be turned in at the end of the exam period.  Please do not plan to share your cheat sheet with a student from another class.

Preparing for the Exam

This past week we completed the activities prepared by different groups to help review the material from each learning target.  You also have access to the semester exam review that has been posted on BlackBoard.  I would suggest that you complete the review and add any tricky problems or any formulas or definitions that you had to look up while completing the review onto your "cheat sheet".  Additionally, I will be available each day of exam week from 7:00-8:00am in room 807 if you would like to get some extra help.

Relax, breathe, eat well, and get a good night's sleep.  Good luck on your exams!

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