Friday, February 3, 2017

What's Going On? February 6th through February 10th

Finishing Up Unit 7: Similarity

This week we will be finishing up our unit on similarity.  We will spend Monday's class talking about self-similarity and fractals.  Students will learn some self-similarity vocabulary and create some fractals, such as the Sierpinski Triangle.

We will then spend some time reviewing for our summative assessment, which will take place on Wednesday.  This summative will include three learning targets:
  • 1f: I can prove the similarity of two geometric figures.
  • 1g:  I can prove theorems about similar triangles and their properties.
  • 2d: I can verify and justify properties of dilations.

After our summative assessment, we will move on to unit 8 on right triangles. We will study right triangle trigonometry and non-right triangle trigonometry, including the Law of Sines and Law of Cosines. We will start this unit of study by reviewing the Pythagorean Theorem and its converse.

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