Sunday, January 7, 2018

What's Going On? January 8th through January 12th

MAP Testing
On Monday, freshmen students will be participating in the math MAP test.  Students should report immediately to their assigned testing location at the start of the day (7:35).  Students will remain in their testing location until the entire assessment is complete.  After that, students will return to their regularly scheduled classes.  Sophomores will need to report to the West Lecture Hall during our class period.

Semester Exam Projects
Once MAP testing concluded, students will be presenting their semester exam projects.  Last week, students broke up into small groups to create a review activity for their specified learning target.  This week, we will begin the activities in preparation for the exam.

During Thursday's class period, I will be taking a group of students on a field trip to WCTC.  During this class period, students will be taking a vocabulary assessment so we can see how much our knowledge of geometric vocabulary has grown since the beginning of the year.

Semester Exam
Our Honors Geometry semester exam will take place on Wednesday, January 17th from 9:30am-11:00am.  Students will complete somewhat of a "choose your own adventure" exam.  Students will be required to complete an exam of the following three learning targets:

  • 1d: Proofs with lines and angles
  • 1e: Proving triangles congruent.
  • 2a: Writing equations of lines.
Additionally, students will choose at least two more targets for the exam.  The choices are:

  • 1a: I can precisely define Geometric terms
  • 1b: I can use the basic language of logic
  • 1c: Constructions
  • 2c: I can prove theorems about quadrilaterals
  • 3a: I can use the segment and angle addition postulate
  • 3c: Solving for missing measurements
Students may choose to take additional sections of the exam, but must finish within our given exam time.  

Materials Needed for the Exam
Students should bring a pencil, calculator, compass and a straight edge (if completing the constructions portion of the exam).  Additionally, students can create a "cheat sheet" to use during the exam.  This can be a computer-size sheet of paper (8 1/2" by 11"), front and back.  Students can choose to include definitions, formulas, sample problems, anything at all!  At the end of the exam period, students will turn in their cheat sheet.

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