Thursday, April 11, 2019

What's Going On? April 15th through April 18th

Modified Schedule This Week

This week, students will have school Monday through Thursday with an early release day on Thursday.  Due to this, we will follow a modified schedule for the week with Monday as a "Tuesday-style" schedule, Tuesday as a "Wednesday-style" schedule, Wednesday as a "Thursday-style" schedule and Thursday as a modified "Friday-style" schedule.

Unit 10: Area

This week, we will continue our study of area.  We will start Monday's class with a review and a
formative assessment to gauge our current level of understanding of the basic area, circumference, and arc length properties.  Later in the week, we will focus on finding the area of a circle and how to calculate the area of parts of a circle, including a sector, a segment, and an annulus.

End of the Year Schedule

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