Wednesday, January 1, 2020

What's Going On? January 2nd and January 3rd

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a relaxing break and had some time to relax and rejuvenate as we prepare to finish our first semester.

1st Semester Project

For the two days we will see each other this week, students will be working together on their first semester projects.  Prior to the break, students had the opportunity to choose their preferred topics.  I took into account student preferences and assigned groups based on the feedback.  Students will be working in their assigned groups on their assigned topic to help the rest of the class get ready for the final exam.  For the project, students will prepare a "one-stop shopping document" that includes all of the definitions, formulas, and concisely summarizes the topic.  Students will prepare a short 10-15 minute review game to help us to practice the concept.  In the past, students have created a "Castle Attack" game, Kahoot, a board game, and other activities to make our review time engaging.  Finally, students will also write 8 practice problems and provide an answer key for the review questions.  These practice problems will serve as homework for the rest of the class.

Planning Ahead

Our final exam will be held on Wednesday, January 22nd from 9:30-11:00am.  Details about the exam will be discussed as we get closer to the exam date.

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