Friday, February 28, 2020

What's Going On? March 2nd through March 6th

Modified Schedule: ACT Tuesday, March 3rd

On Tuesday, March 3, 2020 North will host an ACT test.  All sophomores and juniors will report to school at 7:30am on Tuesday for the ACT.  The sophomores will complete a practice ACT test while the juniors will complete the official test.  All other students (freshmen and seniors) will have the day off of school on Tuesday.

Due to the ACT on Tuesday, we will have a modification for our schedule at the beginning of the week.  Monday will be a "Tuesday"-style schedule.  This means that the school day will begin at 7:35am for students in CCR/JIT and at 8:10 for all other students.

Wrapping Up Unit 8: Triangles

This week, we will wrap up our 8th unit on triangles.  We will spend Monday's class working on non-right triangle trigonometry word problems.  We will spend Wednesday's class reviewing for our summative and complete the summative assessment on Thursday.  There will be two major targets for our test:

  • 3d: I can solve for measures in right triangles
  • 3h: I can solve for measures in non-right triangles

I will be available for extra help on Wednesday and Thursday morning from 7-8am in room 300 if students would like to stop by to get extra help.

Students who have all of their formative work completed before we take the summative assessment may be eligible for a retake if things don't go as planned. 

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