Friday, April 3, 2020

What's Going On? April 6th through April 9th

Modified Schedule This Week

This week, classes will be held Monday through Thursday.  This means that we will follow a modified schedule this week with Monday as a "Tuesdsay-style" schedule, Tuesday as a "Wednesday-style" schedule, Wednesday as a "Thursday-style" schedule and Thursday as a "Friday-style" schedule.  There is no school on Friday, April 10th or Monday, April 13th.

Staying Organized

If anyone is looking for a way to stay organized, I made a template for keeping track of your daily virtual learning agenda as well as long-range goal planning. Feel free to use it if you would find it to be helpful.

Unit 10: Area

This week, we will continue with our tenth unit on area.  On Monday, our lesson will cover how to find the area of regular polygons, Tuesday's lesson will cover how to find the circumference and arc length of a circle, and Wednesday's lesson will cover how to find the area of circles, sectors, and segments.  For each day, I will post a video lesson and I will also be available at 10am via WebEx teams for anyone who would like to go through the lesson in real-time.  There is a homework assignment for each lesson that can be completed within Notability or through our Class Kick app.  So I can check our level of understanding, there is a brief formative assessment for each lesson.  Please let me know how I can best support you and your learning.  This situation is new to all of us.  I am here to help!

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