Friday, December 17, 2021

What's Going On? December 20th through December 22nd

 Happy Holidays!

Wishing you a restful and relaxing winter break!

Schedule for the Week

Unit 6: Polygons and Quadrilaterals

In our three classes before winter break, we will focus on how to organize and use coordinate geometry in proofs.  Students should expect to see a formative assessment before we leave for our winter break.

Friday, December 10, 2021

What's Going On? December 13th through December 17th

 Thought for the Week

Unit 6: Polygons and Quadrilaterals

This week, we will continue with our sixth unit of the year on polygons and quadrilaterals.  The focus for this week will be on the properties of parallelograms and proving that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram.  We will finish off the week with a formative check-in to make sure we are starting the unit off on the right foot.

Friday, December 3, 2021

What's Going On? December 6th through December 10th

Thought for the Week

Hour of Code Opportunity

The Hour of Code is a global movement reaching tens of millions of students in 180+ countries.  Join us to learn a little bit about the growing field of computer science on Wednesday, December 8th in room 300.  See Mrs. Kamenar if you have any questions!

Wrapping Up Unit 5: Triangle Relationships

This week, we will be wrapping up our fifth unit for the year.  We will spend Monday's class reviewing and completing a short formative on how to write equations for perpendicular bisectors, medians, and altitudes.  We will review the entire unit on Tuesday and complete our summative for the unit on Wednesday.  On Friday, we will begin our sixth unit for the semester on polygons and quadrilaterals.

Students who need additional help are invited to come in before school or during lunch for JIT.  Students can find me in room 300.

Friday, November 19, 2021

What's Going On? November 22nd and November 23rd

 Happy Thanksgiving!

Modified Schedule for the Week

This week, students will have school on Monday and Tuesday.  We will not have school Wednesday through Friday for Thanksgiving break. Here is the schedule we will follow next week:

Unit 5: Triangle Relationships

This week, we will spend some time talking about the relationships formed when an angle bisector or a perpendicular bisector are drawn within a triangle.  We will talk about how to solve for missing measurements, how to construct points of concurrency, and how to write the equations for these lines.

Please Note: For this unit, students will need to have a compass and straight edge in order to perform our geometric constructions.

Friday, November 12, 2021

What's Going On? November 15th through November 19th

Sign up For Conferences: Wednesday, November 17th

Our next opportunity for parent-teacher conferences is on Wednesday, November 17th.  These conferences are available by appointment only.  Please click on the link below to sign up for a time slot.

Thought for the Week

How would you classify your mindset?

Unit 4: Triangles and Triangle Congruence

This week, we will wrap up our fourth unit on triangles and triangle congruence.  We will spend Monday's class with a formative on proving triangles congruent.  Tuesday's class will be spent reviewing the entire unit and we will complete the Unit 4 Summative during class on Wednesday.  Students are invited to come in before school or during our lunchtime JIT if they would like some extra help.

On Friday, we will start our fifth unit on relationships within triangles.  Our focus for Friday will be on relationships formed when an angle bisector appears within a triangle.

Friday, November 5, 2021

What's Going On? November 8th through November 12th

Thought for the Week

 Parent-Teacher Conferences by Appointment

Would you like to schedule a time to meet to talk about your student's progress?  Check out the link below
to sign up for a time slot during our scheduled parent-teacher conference night on Wednesday, November 17th from 5pm-7pm.

Unit 4: Triangles and Triangle Congruence

This week, we will start to apply our knowledge of our triangle congruence shortcuts with a formal two-column proof.  Using this proof structure, and our five triangle congruence shortcuts, students will learn how to prove that two triangles are congruent.  Once we learn how to prove that two triangles are congruent, we will extend our knowledge and learn how to prove that parts of congruent triangles are congruent.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

What's Going On? November 1st through November 5th

 Thought for the Week

Unit 4: Triangles

This week, we will continue our study of triangles.  We will complete a short formative assessment during Monday's class to check in on our understanding of triangle properties.  We will spend the rest of the week learning about triangle congruence shortcuts.  This will serve as the foundation for our ability to prove that two triangles are congruent in a two-column proof.

Monday, October 25, 2021

What's Going On? October 25th through October 27th

Thought for the Week

Shortened Schedule

This week, we will have a shortened schedule. Students will be released early from school on Wednesday and will not have school on Thursday and Friday.  Enjoy your break!

Unit 4: Triangles

This week, we will begin our study on triangles.  For this short week, we will spend this time investigating the properties of triangles.  Our focus will be on the properties of isosceles triangles, midsegments of triangles, and the triangle inequality theorem.

Friday, October 15, 2021

What's Going On? October 18th through October 22nd

  Thought for the Week

Parent-Teacher Conferences Wednesday

Parent-teacher conferences will take place this week on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 in the field house.  Conferences will run from 5-7pm.  Please stop by!

Wrapping Up Unit 3: Parallel Lines

This week, we will be wrapping up our third unit of the year.  On Monday, we will take a formative on writing equations for parallel and perpendicular lines to check our current level of understanding.  On Tuesday, we will spend a little bit of time investigating how geometry behaves in 3D.  We will review on Wednesday and complete our unit 3 summative on Friday.  Students who would like to get some extra help are welcome to come in before school our during our lunchtime JIT sessions.  Students can find me in room 300.

Friday, October 8, 2021

What's Going On? October 11th through October 15th

 Thought for the Week

Unit 3: Parallel Lines

The first part of this week will be devoted to talking about relationships that are formed when two parallel lines are cut by a transversal. We will use the knowledge of these relationships to be able to prove that two lines are parallel.  Students should expect to complete a check-in formative to make sure that we are on the right track.  At the end of this week, we will start to talk about how to write equations for parallel and perpendicular lines.  

Sunday, October 3, 2021

What's Going On? October 4th through October 8th

  Thought for the Week

Wrapping Up Unit 2: Reasoning and Proof

We will start off this week by doing a formal check-in on our understanding of two-column proof.  On Tuesday we will review for our summative and on Wednesday we will complete our second summative of the year.  Students who need some extra help are encouraged to come into room 300 during our JIT time before school or during lunch.  We will also work through the "Class Kick" app for our review so students can get some help outside of the school day.

Friday, September 24, 2021

What's Going On? September 27th through October 1st

 Thought for the Week

Freshmen MAP Testing This Week

This week, freshmen will participate in our first MAP test for the year.  On Tuesday morning, students will complete the English portion of the test.  On Wednesday afternoon (after lunch), students will complete the Math portion of the test.

Unit 2: Introduction to Proof

For our time in class this week, we will focus on an introduction to formal two-column proofs.  We will spend Monday's class focused on Algebraic proof and the rest of the week will be devoted to basic Geometric proof.  The idea is that students will be able to form a logical argument and justify their argument throughout the process.

It's Homecoming Week!

Check out the dress-up days and our schedule for Friday.

Need Extra Help?

I am available Monday-Thursday before school and during our lunchtime JIT.  Please see me in room 300. I would be happy to help!

Friday, September 17, 2021

Waukesha North Honors Geometry: What's Going On September 20th through September 24th

Thought for the Week

Unit 2: Reasoning and Proof

This week in Honors Geometry, we will begin our second unit on reasoning and proof.  We will start the week by talking about logic statements and talking about how we can determine the truth value for different statements.  We will also learn about how to write an indirect proof or proof by contradiction.  We will finish the week by completing a formative assessment to check our level of understanding of logic statements.

Schedule for the Week

Need Extra Help?

As a reminder, students are welcome to come in for some extra help before school or during the last 15 minutes of lunch, Monday-Thursday.  Students can find me in room 300.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Waukesha North Honors Geometry: What's Going On? September 13th through September 17th

Thought for the Week

Wrapping Up Unit 1: Basics of Geometry

We will start off this week by focusing on the last two topics of the unit.  Monday's class will focus on some more basic geometric vocabulary, including supplementary angles, complementary angles, vertical angles, and linear pairs.  Our Tuesday class will be devoted to applying our geometric knowledge to the coordinate plane.  We will apply the midpoint and the distance formulas in order to find the precise length and midpoint of line segments on a graph.  During class on Wednesday, we will review for our first summative.  Our Friday class will bring our first summative assessment for the year.  

Please remember: students who complete all homework assignments for the unit prior to our summative on Friday may be eligible for a summative retake.  

Need Some Extra Help?

Please see Mrs. Kamenar in room 300 in the morning (7:20-7:50) or during lunchtime JIT if you would like some extra help!

Friday, September 3, 2021

Waukesha North Honors Geometry: What's Going On September 7th through September 10th

Thought for the Week

Unit 1: The Basics of Geometry

This week, we will continue on with our study on the basic building blocks of Geometry.  We will spend Tuesday's class talking about some more Geometric vocabulary and we will have our first Geometry formative during class on Wednesday.  For this formative, we will focus on how to appropriately define and label basic geometric objects such as perpendicular bisectors, midpoints, lines, and more.  We will wrap up the week by learning how to perform constructions.  For this lesson, students will need to have a compass and a ruler.

Here is our formal plan for the week:

Please reach out if you have any questions!

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Welcome to the 2021-2022 School Year, Honors Geometry Students!

 Hello Honors Geometry Students! Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year! My name is Mrs. Kamenar
and I will be working with you during your Honors Geometry class this year. This year, I am starting my 17th year teaching math and computer science at Waukesha North. This year I will be teaching Honors Geometry, Math Readiness, App Development 1, AP Computer Science Principles, Programming the Web 1, and Yearbook. In addition to teaching, I am also the head women's cross country coach and yearbook advisor. I hope that everyone was able to find some time to relax this summer. Our summer included a few camping trips, lots of hiking, running, and playing with our dog Ranger.

My goal is to keep you up to date with what's going on in the classroom through this blog. Between the blog and our class schedule of events that will be posted on our BlackBoard class website, it is my hope that all students and parents will be informed about what's going on in the classroom whether we are learning virtually or face-to-face.

Where Can Students Find Everything?

One of the first things to keep in mind is that all of our class material will be found through our Blackboard class website.  This site will contain links to our content, assignments, and other resources.

School Schedule

Here is the schedule we will be following for the year.  Students who would like to get some extra help are invited to come in before school, during our lunch JIT time, or by appointment.

Unit 1: The Basics of Geometry

This week, we will begin our study with the building blocks of Geometry.  Students will be introduced to some basic vocabulary terms that we will be using throughout the entire course.  We will also work on connecting Geometry back to Algebra when we discuss the segment and angle addition postulates.  

I hope that everyone is excited to start a new school year.  I am here to help and I am very excited to work with you in Honors Geometry.  Please reach out if you have any questions.  You can email me at  Let's have a great year!

Friday, May 28, 2021

What's Going On? June 1st through June 4th

  Thought for the Week

Unit 13: Probability

The first part of the week will be devoted to wrapping up our unit on Probability.  We will end the week by preparing for our final exam.  The exam will take place on Tuesday, June 8, 12:15-1:30.  I will be available for extra-help during the review/conferencing time and during the study time.

Exam Schedule

Friday, May 21, 2021

What's Going On? May 24th through May 28th

 Thought for the Week

Early Release: Friday, May 28, 2021

Unit 13: Probability

This week, we will spend some time working with probability.  We will refresh our memories about how to calculate the probability of a single event occurring.  We will then talk about how to calculate the probability of a variety of events that happen.  We will talk about how to calculate a likelihood when order matters (permutations) and when order does not matter (combinations).

Looking Ahead: Exams

End of the year Locker clean out

Lockers must be cleaned out by Wednesday, June 9th by 3:05 pm.  

Please make arrangements ahead of time to take items home. 

Any items left behind will be donated to a local charity.

Once cleaned out please put your padlock on backwards. Thank you.