Semester Exam
Our semester exam will take place on Blackboard. Students who attend class in the school building will complete their exams on their assigned cohort day. Students who attend virtually have the option to complete the exam within the building but must notify me of their change in plans ahead of time. Students who are working "always virtually" will complete the exam during the cohort 1 day (Thursday).
Semester Exam Details
Our exam will be held on Thursday and Friday. Students are expected to complete the exam during our scheduled exam time, even if learning virtually. The exam will be unavailable outside of class time. During our exam time, students will be required to complete the exam sections covering the following learning targets:
- 1d: Properties of Parallel Lines
- 1e: Proving Triangles Congruent
- 2a: Writing Equations of Lines
Students also have the opportunity to complete the following sections for their exam, if they wish to improve their scores. Students will have one hour to complete all portions of the exam.
- 1a: Basic Geometric Vocabulary
- 1b: Logical Reasoning
- 2c: Quadrilaterals
- 3a: Segment and Angle Addition Postulate
- 3c: Solving for Missing Measures
For the exam, students should bring something to write with and a calculator. Students are also permitted to bring a "cheat sheet". This "cheat sheet" can be as large as an 8 1/2" by 11" piece of paper and can be handwritten on both sides. Students can include formulas, definitions, sample problems, etc. on this sheet. The "cheat sheet" will be handed in at the end of the exam period. Students are expected to complete the exam by the end of the specified exam period.
2nd Semester
As you have probably heard, during the second semester we will transition back to five days per week face-to-face classes. This is the schedule we will follow:
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