Friday, March 5, 2021

What's Going On? March 8th through March 12th

 Thought for the Week

Modified Schedule for the Week 

Our sophomores and juniors will take the ACT on Tuesday, March 9th.  Because of this, we will run a modified schedule.  Monday will be a "Tuesday-style" schedule.  On Tuesday, only sophomores and juniors will report to school.  Freshmen and Seniors will have the day off.  The rest of the week, will run as normal.

Wrapping Up Unit 8 and Beginning Unit 9

On Monday, students will take our summative assessment on our triangles unit.  On this assessment, students will be asked to solve for missing measurements in right triangles and non-right triangles.  The items in our tool kit that students could use to solve these problems include:

Right Triangle Tools:
  • Pythagorean Theorem
  • Special Right Triangle Patterns
    • Isosceles Right Triangle
    • 30-60-90 Triangle
  • Trigonometry: SOH CAH TOA
Non-Right Triangle Tools:
  • Law of Sines
  • Law of Cosines

On Wednesday, we will dive into unit 9.  In this unit, students will discover circle properties.  We will start by talking about circle-specific vocabulary and we will learn how to write the equation for a circle.  We will also talk about how we can solve for measurements in a circle using tangent properties.

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