Friday, May 20, 2016

What's Going On? May 23rd-27th

Celebration Day!

Monday is North's annual celebration day!  Students will be attending celebration day with their class for one hour during the day.  Other students (over 400!) have signed up to be a part of North's first service learning day and will be volunteering in the community.  Please take a look at the schedule below to see what's going on.

Our Last Unit!

This week we will start unit 13 on probability.  Students will take a look at the definition of probability and make some calculations about the likelihood that a certain event will occur.  We will look at events where order matters, such as the chance of correctly guessing your iPad password (permutations).  We will also look at events where order does not matter, such as the chance of picking the winning lottery numbers (combinations).

Probability and statistics play a big part in some career options.  According to, the best job in 2015 was an actuary. An actuary is someone who analyzes statistics calculates the risks associated with different events.

According to US News' top 100 jobs list, the #17 job is a statistician.  A statistician prepares and analyzes data in order to help make decisions.

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