Our Last Week of Classes!
It's hard to believe, but this is our last week of classes! We will not have school on Monday due to Memorial Day, so that leaves us with three class periods this week. On our first day of class for the week we will talk about the probability on the first class of the week. The last two class periods of the week will be spent preparing for the final exam. We will talk more about the format during class, but it will be similar to the exam we took first semester. We will have 3-4 learning targets that will be required and you will have a choice of 2-3 other targets to complete. You may complete as many sections of the test as you can complete within the 90 minute exam period.
Cheat Sheet
For the exam, you may use one piece of paper (8 1/2" x 11") that contains formulas, sample problems, definitions, etc. This cheat sheet must be handwritten. No formulas will be provided on the exam so be sure to include all formulas that are not committed to memory. Some of the formulas you may want to include are the SOH CAH TOA ratios, the law of sines, the law of cosines, special right triangle patterns, area formulas, surface area formulas, volume formulas, transformation rules, the distance formula, the midpoint formula, and any other formula you think you might need during the exam. Please note that you will need to turn in your cheat sheet at the end of the exam, so do not plan on sharing it with a student in another class.
Exam Schedule
Please check out the exam schedule. You'll notice that the first exam does not begin until 9:30am each day. You can use the time before the first exam to ask questions. I will be at school beginning at 7:00am each day, so I would be happy to work with you at this time. Do NOT be late to your exam!
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