Saturday, November 3, 2018

What's Going On? November 5th through November 9th

Need to Touch Base?  Sign Up for Parent-Teacher Conferences on Wednesday

This Wednesday, from 5:00-7:00pm, North will be hosting parent-teacher conference by appointment.  If you would like to talk about your student's progress, please sign up for a time through Sign-Up Genius:  If you are not available this night, but would still like to touch base, please contact me.

Unit 4: Triangle Congruence

This week, we will continue our study of triangle congruence.  Students will check in with a multiple-attempt formative to check in on our understanding of triangle congruence shortcuts.  Students may use their notes and can complete this assessment up to three times.  We will spend the rest of Monday's class talking about proofs involving "CPCTC".  This is how we can prove that the corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent.  We will spend Tuesday's class looking at some more complex diagrams in order to prove that triangle and their parts are congruent.  We will spend Wednesday's class reviewing, which will put our unit 4 summative assessment on Thursday.

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