Friday, October 18, 2019

What's Going On? October 21st through October 25th

Unit 4: Triangles

This week, we will start our study of triangles.  We will start off the week looking more intensely at the properties of isosceles triangles and what happens when we draw midsegments in triangles.  After this, we will move into some triangle congruence "shortcuts" that will help us determine if two triangles are congruent.  This means, to determine if the two triangles are the exact same size and shape.  Students should expect to see a formative or two this week so we can check in with our current level of understanding. 

Not Satisfied with Your Unit 3 Summative Score?

Students who have fulfilled all of their requirements for unit 3, including completing all homework and formative work before the day of the test, may be eligible for a summative retake.  Students are able to retake up to 2 summative assessments per semester.  Students are welcome to retake one learning target or both.  In order to be ready for a retake, students must complete the following steps:

  1. E-Mail Mrs. Kamenar to request extra practice for your selected learning target(s)
  2. Make an appointment to make summative corrections on your original work.  Mrs. Kamenar is available before school and during lunch.  Arrangements can also be made for students to make corrections with Mr. Syverson in homework club after school.
  3. Complete the retake BEFORE our unit 4 summative. 
Please note: the retake score will be entered into Infinite Campus even if the retake score is lower than the original assessment.

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