Sunday, September 13, 2020

What's Going On? Monday September 14 through Friday September 18, 2020

Please Note: All classes will have a "live" lesson within WebEx teams during our Monday scheduled class time.  Please use the WebEx teams app (available in Self Service on student iPads) to join the lesson!

Wrapping Up Honors Geometry Unit 1: Basics of Geometry

This week, we will be wrapping up our first unit of the year.  We will meet "live"online in Webex Teams on Monday (12:44-1:27) to have our deductive reasoning lesson.  This week will also include a video lesson on Classifying Polygons and an in-class lesson on Connecting Geometry to the Coordinate Plane (the distance and midpoint formulas).  We will finish up the week with a review on Thursday.  This review day will be a "live" lesson for students in both cohorts to go through any questions they have.  Students can also use the "Class Kick" app to get some additional help.   Our first summative assessment on Friday.  

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to support your learning.  I am here to help!

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