Saturday, September 19, 2020

What's Going On? Monday, September 21 through Friday, September 25, 2020

Unit 2: Reasoning and Proof

This week, we will begin unit 2 where we will study reasoning and proof.  We will start out the week by learning about logical reasoning, including conditional statements, converse statements, and biconditionals.  The study of these statements will help us to properly some of the geometric theorems and postulates that we will encounter throughout the course.

We will also look at two different ways to form a logical argument: using inductive reasoning to form a indirect proof and how we can use deductive reasoning to create a two-column proof.  Both of these methods can be used to craft a formal argument where we justify our reasoning.  We will end the week with a formative assessment to check our current level of understanding.

With this unit, I will be hosting a "live" lesson during each of our class days.  Students who are working from home should join the lesson through WebEx teams during our scheduled class time.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.  I know the transition to hybrid learning can be difficult. I am here to help!

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