Tuesday, December 22, 2020

What's Going On? January 4 through January 8, 2021


Happy New Year!

Welcome back, everyone!  I hope you had some time to rest, relax, and recharge during your time over break and that you are ready to get back into the swing of things!

Coming Soon....Semester Exams

1st Semester Project

This week, students will be working together to begin their first semester projects. At the beginning of the week, students will have the opportunity to choose their preferred topics. I will take into account student preferences and assigned groups based on the feedback. Students will be working in their assigned groups on their assigned topic to help the rest of the class get ready for the final exam. For the project, students will prepare a "one-stop shopping document" that includes all of the definitions, formulas, and concisely summarizes the topic. Students will prepare a short 10-15 minute review game to help us to practice the concept. In the past, students have created a "Castle Attack" game, Kahoot, a board game, and other activities to make our review time engaging. In the times of virtual learning, we will have to get creative to get everyone engaged!  Finally, students will also write 8 practice problems and provide an answer key for the review questions. These practice problems will serve as homework for the rest of the class.

Friday, December 18, 2020

What's Going On? December 21st and December 22nd

Thought for the Week

Schedule for the Week
  • There is no AE on Monday
  • all students will be learning virutally on Monday
  • Cohort 1 will attend school face-to-face
  • Cohort 2 will attend school virtually

Wrapping Up Unit 6: Polygons & Quadrilaterals

During our virtual day on Monday, students will complete our Unit 6 summative during our scheduled class period.  Students must complete the assessment during our class period unless they have an excused absence from the class.

During our class on Tuesday, we will learn a little bit about probability and test our knowledge by playing "Deal or No Deal".

Have a great winter break!!!!


Friday, December 11, 2020

What's Going On? December 14th through December 18th

Thought for the Week

Planning Ahead: December 21st and December 22nd

Due to our two-day week, we will follow a modified schedule on Monday (12/21/2020) and Tuesday (12/22/2020).  All students will meet virtually on Monday.  On this Monday, we will skip our AE/Homeroom class period.  On Tuesday, cohort 1 will meet face-to-face and cohort 2 and virtual students will all meet via WebEx Teams.

Semester Exam Schedule

Unit 6: Polygons & Quadrilaterals

At the beginning of the week, students will spend more time working with quadrilateral proofs on the coordinate plane.  Students should expect a formative assessment during class on Tuesday.  During class on Tuesday and Wednesday, students will spend some time working on a short project: "Quadrilateral Detectives in Training".  For this project, students will draw some quadrilaterals on the coordinate plane and discuss how they know what shape was drawn.  The following day, students will swap with someone and use their "detective skills" to determine which shape was graphed.  We will end the week with some review.

Looking ahead: we will complete our summative assessment on unit 6 the following week.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

What's Going On? December 7th through December 11th

 Thought for the Week

Unit 6: Polygons and Quadrilaterals

We will start off this week by checking in with a formative assessment through Blackboard to make sure that we are starting off the unit on the right foot.  Our formative will include solving for angles in a polygon, the properties of parallelograms, and how to prove that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram.  Throughout the rest of the week, we will talk about the properties of special parallelograms, kites, and trapezoids.  We will wrap up the week by talking about how we can apply a two-column proof to the coordinate plane.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

What's Going On? November 30th through December 4th

 Thought for the Week

Virtual Learning

We will spend some time focusing on how to be successful digital learners.  Now that we are switching back to the hybrid model, it is time to reflect on what is going well in terms of virtual learning and what would be going better.  We will talk about the skills necessary to be successful learners and some tips & tricks to help make the best of our hybrid learning situation.

Unit 6: Polygons & Quadrilaterals

This week, we will start on our sixth unit of the year where we will focus on polygons and properties of different types of quadrilaterals.  During class on Monday, we will spend time learning how to determine the measures for the interior and exterior angles of polygons.  During class on Tuesday and Wednesday, we will talk about some skills to be productive digital learners.  We will put those skills to the test as we learn about the properties of parallelograms.  During class on Thursday, we will talk about how to prove that a figure is a parallelogram.  On Friday, we will review everything we have learned about in unit 6 so far and complete a formative check-in.

Friday, November 20, 2020

What's Going On? November 23rd and November 24th

  Shortened Week

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, we will have school virtually on Monday and Tuesday this week.  For these two days, we will following the following schedule:

Wrapping Up Unit 5: Triangle Relationships

During this short week, we will wrap up our work on Unit 5: Triangle Relationships.  We will spend Monday's class going over last-minute questions and playing a review game.  Students will complete our unit 5 summative during our scheduled class on Tuesday.  STUDENTS MUST LOG IN TO COMPLETE OUR SUMMATIVE DURING OUR SCHEDULED CLASS UNLESS THE STUDENT HAS AN EXCUSED ABSENCE FROM CLASS.  In order to complete the summative, students will need to have a compass and a ruler.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!  
Enjoy your break from school!  We will resume our hybrid schedule from the beginning of the year during the week of 11/30, with face-to-face instruction resuming on 12/1 for students in cohort 1 and on 12/2 for students in cohort 2.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

What's Going On? November 16th through November 20th

 Thought for the Week

Set goals for yourself and work towards them.  Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it!

Unit 5: Relationships in Triangles

This week, students will continue with their study of relationships that exist within triangles.  We will look at what happens when we draw in angle bisectors, perpendicular bisectors, altitudes, and medians within a triangle.  Students will need to make sure to bring a compass and ruler along to class this week, as we will be constructing using paper and our construction tools.

Friday, November 6, 2020

What's Going On? Monday November 9th through November 13th

Wrapping Up Unit 4: Triangle Congruence

This week, students will wrap up our unit on triangle congruence.  We will spend Monday's class reviewing.  Based on student feedback, we will have a class Kahoot review game on Monday.  Students will have the Unit 4 Summative Review for homework.  During class on Tuesday, students will complete the Unit 4 Summative.  STUDENTS MUST COMPLETE THE SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT DURING OUR SCHEDULED CLASS TIME.

Unit 5: Relationships in Triangles

Unit 5 is a very short unit that we will be wrapping up prior to moving into our much anticipated Thanksgiving break.  In this unit, we will focus on relationships that exist within triangles.  We will look at angle bisectors, perpendicular bisectors, and points of concurrency that exist within triangles.  Along with this unit, students will be trying out a new math resourced called "Envision" to guide us in our learning.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

What's Going On? November 2nd through November 6th

Conference Opportunity

On Wednesday, November 18th, Waukesha North will again hold virtual conferences.  If you are interested in meeting with me, please sign up for a time slot.  You can find me under the 'Math' department.  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0f4daba628a1fe3-math

Continuing on with Unit 4: Triangle Congruence

This week, we will continue our study of triangle congruence.  Now that we have five different triangle shortcuts in our toolkit (SSS, SAS, ASA, SAA, and HL Congruence), now it is time for us to apply them using a formal two-column proof.  Early in the week (Tuesday), students will check their current level of understanding with a formative assessment.  After this, we will also explore how, once we have proved our triangles are congruent, how we can prove that parts of triangles are congruent.  As we go through our study for the week, we will continue to work within the Agile Mind platform.

Friday, October 23, 2020

What's Going On? October 26th through October 28th

Modified Schedule for the Week

As you may be aware, this is a shortened week where students will have scheduled classes Monday - Wednesday, with Wednesday as an early-release day.  Due to the shortened week, students will meet with all 8 classes each day.  Monday will be our digital learning day, on Tuesday we will be face-to-face with school starting at 7:55 and on Wednesday we will be face-to-face with school starting at 7:35 and our last class dismissed at 12:10.

Triangle Congruence Relationships

This week, students will learn about how we can determine if two triangles are congruent (exact same size and shape).  This week, we will focus on the five triangle congruence shortcuts: SSS, SAS, ASA, SAA, and HL Congruence.  For the first two lessons of the week, students will use a new resource called "Agile Mind" to study some of our triangle congruence shortcuts.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

What's Going On? October 19th through October 23rd

School Schedule for the Week

As you know, this week is the first week that we will come together for four days per week for face-to-face instruction.  Monday will remain as a virtual learning day.  Our virtual learning day for Monday, October 19th can be asynchronous.  This means that students will have some flexibility on when their learning will take place in our Honors Geometry class for the day.  The assignment for the day is posted on Blackboard.  Students can complete the assignment at any point throughout the day.  I will be available for questions and individual help within WebEx teams throughout the morning.  

Here is the schedule that we will follow for the week:

Unit 4: Triangle Congruence

This week, we will move into our fourth unit of the year on triangle congruence.  This week will focus on the properties of triangles.  We will investigate the properties of isosceles triangles, midsegments, the side-angle theorem, and the triangle inequality theorem.  We will end the week with a formative assessment to check in on our level of understanding related to the first few concepts of the unit.

The expectation for Monday's digital learning day is that students complete our vocabulary pre-assessment for the unit, view our video lesson and take notes, and complete our homework assignment for the day.  I will be available in WebEx teams throughout the morning on Monday to answer questions.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

What's Going On? October 12th through October 16th

Unit 3: Parallel Lines

This week, we will wrap up our work on our third unit related to parallel lines.  During our asynchronous class on Monday, students will complete a formative check-in on Blackboard in order to check our current level of understanding on how to write equations for parallel and perpendicular lines.

Students who are working in the classroom on Tuesday will work through a lesson about spherical Geometry.  Students who are working virtually on Tuesday will work on our summative review.  The following day, the two groups will change to the opposite activity.

During Thursday's class, we will have a whole-class review activity and on Friday students will complete our Unit 3 summative assessment on Parallel Lines.  All students who do not have an excused absence for the class on Friday are expected to complete our summative assessment during our scheduled class time.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

What's Going On? October 5th through October 9, 2020

 Unit 3: Parallel Lines

This week, we will continue our study of parallel lines.  As we did with the last unit, I will continue with synchronous instruction.  That means that students should log in to our class during its regularly scheduled time while we are learning virtually.

At the beginning of the week, we will spend time talking about how we can prove that two lines are parallel based on different known angle relationships.  This will connect back to unit 2 where we talked about the converse of different statements.  We will do a formative "check-in" during class on Wednesday.  All students are required to complete the formative check-in during our scheduled class time.  We will close out the week by writing equations for parallel and perpendicular lines.

Friday, September 25, 2020

What's Going On? Monday September 28th through Friday October 2nd

Unit 2: Logic & Reasoning

This week, we will be wrapping up our second unit where we have been learning about logic and reasoning.  At the beginning of the week (Monday and Tuesday), we will focus on how to write a two-column proof that is based around Geometry.  On Wednesday, students will begin to prepare for our summative assessment which will take place during class on Thursday.  In order to best prepare for our Unit 2 summative, students should make sure that all of their homework is turned in on Thursday before we complete the summative assessment.  On Friday, we will begin our third unit where we will focus on the study of parallel lines.

This week, we will continue our synchronous instruction.  That means that students who are learning virtually from home will be able to join our class "live" via WebEx teams.  Students should join in during our regularly scheduled class time.  

All of our assignments and course materials can be found on our Blackboard class website.  Students who need some additional help understanding concepts or who have questions should reach out within our WebEx teams app to get the fastest response for academic questions.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

What's Going On? Monday, September 21 through Friday, September 25, 2020

Unit 2: Reasoning and Proof

This week, we will begin unit 2 where we will study reasoning and proof.  We will start out the week by learning about logical reasoning, including conditional statements, converse statements, and biconditionals.  The study of these statements will help us to properly some of the geometric theorems and postulates that we will encounter throughout the course.

We will also look at two different ways to form a logical argument: using inductive reasoning to form a indirect proof and how we can use deductive reasoning to create a two-column proof.  Both of these methods can be used to craft a formal argument where we justify our reasoning.  We will end the week with a formative assessment to check our current level of understanding.

With this unit, I will be hosting a "live" lesson during each of our class days.  Students who are working from home should join the lesson through WebEx teams during our scheduled class time.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.  I know the transition to hybrid learning can be difficult. I am here to help!

Sunday, September 13, 2020

What's Going On? Monday September 14 through Friday September 18, 2020

Please Note: All classes will have a "live" lesson within WebEx teams during our Monday scheduled class time.  Please use the WebEx teams app (available in Self Service on student iPads) to join the lesson!

Wrapping Up Honors Geometry Unit 1: Basics of Geometry

This week, we will be wrapping up our first unit of the year.  We will meet "live"online in Webex Teams on Monday (12:44-1:27) to have our deductive reasoning lesson.  This week will also include a video lesson on Classifying Polygons and an in-class lesson on Connecting Geometry to the Coordinate Plane (the distance and midpoint formulas).  We will finish up the week with a review on Thursday.  This review day will be a "live" lesson for students in both cohorts to go through any questions they have.  Students can also use the "Class Kick" app to get some additional help.   Our first summative assessment on Friday.  

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to support your learning.  I am here to help!

Monday, September 7, 2020

What's Going On? September 8th through September 11th

 Unit 1: Basics of Geometry

This week, we will continue our study of the basics of Geometry.  Topics for the week will include

  • The Segment and Angle Addition Postulates
  • Measurement
  • Geometric Constructions

Towards the end of the week, all students will do a vocabulary review activity and complete our first formative assessment on Blackboard.  

Honors Geometry: Week 2 Agenda

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year, Honors Geometry Students!

Hello Honors Geometry Students! Welcome to the 2020-2021school year! My name is Mrs. Kamenar and I will be working with you during your Honors Geometry class this year. This year, I am starting my 16th year teaching math and computer science at Waukesha North. This year I will be teaching Honors Geometry, App Development 1 & 2, AP Computer Science A, Programming the Web 1 & 2, and Yearbook. In addition to teaching, I am also the head women's cross country coach and yearbook advisor. I hope that everyone was able to find some time to relax this summer. While my family and I weren't able to do some of our usual summer activities, we still found a way to have fun and enjoy each others' company. Our summer included a few camping trips, lots of hiking, and playing with our new dog Ranger.

My goal is to keep you up to date with what's going on in the classroom through this blog. Between the blog and our class schedule of events that will be posted on our BlackBoard class website, it is my hope that all students and parents will be informed about what's going on in the classroom whether we are learning virtually or face-to-face.

Where Can Students Find Everything?

One of the first things to keep in mind is that all of our class material will be found through our Blackboard class website.  When students are learning virtually or are not able to attend class, this is the first place to look.  This site will contain links to our content, assignments, and other resources.

How Is Attendance Taken?

On days that students are face-to-face, the teacher will complete the attendance process.  On days when students are learning virtually, students must check in their own attendance within the timeframe of our class period. To do this, students will need to log in to their accounts on Infinite Campus.  Here is a quick video that shows how to complete the attendance process: https://youtu.be/y2GlGugUjUI?t=346

Students who are assigned to Cohort 1 will meet face to face on Tuesdays and Thursdays and virtually on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  Students who are assigned to Cohort 2 will meet face to face on Wednesdays and Fridays and virtually on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. 

School Schedule

Here is the hybrid schedule that we will follow:  Students are expected to log in virtually during the time frame listed.  

Unit 1: The Basics of Geometry

This week, we will begin our study with the building blocks of Geometry.  Students will be introduced to some basic vocabulary terms that we will be using throughout the entire course.  We will also work on connecting Geometry back to Algebra when we discuss the segment and angle addition postulates.  

I know that the start of this school year looks very different from all other years.  I am here to help and I am very excited to work with you in Honors Geometry.  Please reach out if you have any questions.  You can email me at kkamenar@waukesha.k12.wi.us.  Have a great start to the school year!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

What's Going On? June 1st through June 5th

Wrapping Up Unit 13: Probability

Welcome to the last week of the school year!  This week, students will complete the probability
review on Monday and Tuesday of this week.  Our summative assessment is scheduled for Wednesday.  Students have until Thursday to complete and submit any missing work for the semester.  I will be calculating final semester grades during the day on Friday.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.  I am here to help!

I have really enjoyed working with you this year.  Have a great summer!  I hope to see you soon!

Monday, May 25, 2020

What's Going On? May 26th through May 29th

Our Final Unit: Probability

This week, we will begin our final unit on Probability.  Earlier this year, before winter break, we had a couple of days where we began our study of probability: the likelihood that an event will occur.  We will spend our last two weeks of the school year digging in a little deeper.  This week, we will focus in on Permutations, Combinations, and the Probability of Compound Events.  This will leave our review and last summative assessment for the year to take place during the final week of the year.

Friday, May 15, 2020

What's Going On? May 18th through May 21st

Wrapping Up Unit 12: Transformations

This is a very short unit and we are already preparing to wrap it up!  Monday's video lesson is on our last topic: the composition of transformations.  In other words, applying more than one transformation to get to our final image.  On Tuesday, we will have our traditional review assignment, and Wednesday will be our summative.  Please reach out if you have any questions.  I am here to help!

Looking Ahead: Schedule Changes

Friday, May 22nd is a "work day" for teachers and an "off day" for students.  Monday, May 25th is Memorial Day, so we will not have school.  This means that the remainder of that week (Tuesday through Friday), we will have school.  We will not have our "catch up" day on Friday, instead, we will have our regularly scheduled classes.  For the purposes of our Honors Geometry class, we will "meet" Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Please Note: Our last day of school will be Friday, June 5th.

Friday, May 8, 2020

What's Going On? May 11th through May 15th

Unit 12: Transformations

This week we will begin our twelfth unit on transformations.  We will specifically focus on "rigid-transformations", or transformations that result in figures that are the same size and same shape.

We have three lessons for the week focusing on symmetry, translations & vectors, and reflections & rotations.  With each lesson, students should view our video lesson and complete the notes template.  There is also a homework assignment and a formative check-in.  I have scheduled a lesson for Monday through Wednesday of this week to help with pacing, but students are "on pace" for our class if all work is completed by Friday.  Attendance for the day will be taken based on work completion and can be adjusted through Friday.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.  I am here to support you and your learning!

Friday, May 1, 2020

What's Going On? May 4th through May 8th

Wrapping Up Unit 11: Surface Area and Volume

This week, we will wrap up our 11th unit on Surface Area and Volume.  Monday and Tuesday will be devoted to reviewing for our summative assessment. There is a review assignment posted on Blackboard and Class Kick that has been assigned and will be entered into the grade book.

There is also an optional Kahoot Challenge that will take place through 5pm on Tuesday.  Rumor has it that Mr. Syverson's Honors Geometry students will also join us for this challenge.  Who wants to claim bragging rights for the highest score?  Head on over to kahoo.it and enter in challenge code 03490070 or click on this link to play: https://kahoot.it/challenge/03490070?challenge-id=7156a0b7-b499-4b27-804e-40a210a2b6cc_1588189890728

Our summative assessment is scheduled for Wednesday's class.  Please be sure to complete both parts of the summative.  One is on "surface area" and the other is on "volume".  With our "catch up day" on Friday, it is expected that all summatives are completed by the end of the day on Friday.

Friday, April 24, 2020

What's Going On? April 27th through May 1st

New Virtual Learning Schedule

As you probably heard, starting on Monday we will follow a new schedule.  We will no longer hold a "Monday"-style schedule during a typical week.  Instead, Monday will be a Tuesday-style schedule, Tuesday will be a Wednesday-style schedule, Wednesday will be a Thursday-style schedule, and Thursday will be a Friday-style schedule.  Friday will be a day to get caught up on work for both students and teachers.  For our Honors Geometry class, this means that we will have class on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.

Changes to Attendance

There will also be changes to attendance that come with this new schedule.  The good news is that you will no longer have to fill out a daily attendance form.  Instead, attendance will be taken based on work completion. What does that mean for Honors Geometry?  Well, typically we have had a lesson video, homework, and formative check each day.  If I see evidence of progress, you will be marked as "present" for the day.  I have usually been taking attendance at around 3pm each day.  This means that moving forward, I will check for work completion around this time.  If an assignment and/or formative has been completed I will mark you "present".  If not, you will be marked absent.  Please note: THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT HOMEWORK MUST BE COMPLETE BY 3PM.  I understand that different people have very different schedules at this time.  If you complete the homework later in the day, I can alter your attendance the next day.  In fact, as long as the work is completed by Friday, I will adjust your attendance for the day earlier in the week.

Pacing Guide for the Week

Now that we are able to be more flexible with attendance, you have more control over when to complete the assignments.  So, if you want to complete all of the assignments for the week on Monday morning, go for it.  If Tuesdays are really busy for you and you need to skip Honors Geometry for the day, that's fine.  Our goal is to have our work for the week completed by Friday.  Work turned in = attendance for the day. 

Here is a suggested pacing guide for the week to keep you learning and moving forward.  Feel free to modify it as necessary, with the goal of having all work for the week completed by Friday.

Monday, April 27, 2020: Volume of Prisms and Cylinders
View the video and take notes, complete the homework, and the formative check-in.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020: Volume of Pyramids and Cones
View the video and take notes, complete the homework, and the formative check-in.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020: Surface Area and Volume of Spheres
View the video and take notes, complete the homework, and the formative check-in.

Please keep in mind that I am here to support you and your learning.  You don't have to do this all on your own.  I would be happy to schedule small-group or individual lessons.  Just let me know.  I was offering Web Ex Teams sessions at 10am, but no one has attended one in quite a while.  If you would like to see this return, please let me know.

Stay Healthy! 

Friday, April 17, 2020

What's Going On? April 20th through April 24th

Wrapping Up Unit 10: Area

Our assignment for Monday's class is to finish our preparations for the Unit 10 Summative on Area. 
This summative will have two parts:

  1. Finding the area and measurements of polygons and circles 
  2. Finding the circumference and arc length of circles
Students may choose to participate in a self-paced Kahoot challenge.  It is a Kahoot like we would play in class, but you can play at your own time and pace.  The challenge is open until 5pm and some bragging rights are on the line.  Students who want to participate in this challenge can use this link: https://kahoot.it/challenge/01839912?challenge-id=7156a0b7-b499-4b27-804e-40a210a2b6cc_1587069612709.

Our summative assessment on area is scheduled for Tuesday's class.  The assessment will be on Blackboard in a format very similar to the formatives we have taken throughout the unit.

Unit 11: Surface Area and Volume

Once we wrap up our unit on area, we will focus on finding the surface area and volume of three-dimensional shapes.  Wednesday will focus on finding the surface area of prisms and cylinders while Thursday's class will focus on finding the surface area of pyramids and cones.  Each day will have a video lesson, a notes template, homework assignment, and multiple-attempt formative assessment.  If you are feeling stressed, there is no need to spend more than 20 minutes on the homework.  Once you hit the 20-minute mark, feel free to turn in the assignment.  I will offer a "live" lesson each day at 10am in WebEx Teams if anyone is interested in working through the notes together.  Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional help.  I am here to support you and your learning.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

What's Going On? April 14th through April 17th

Modified Schedule This Week

This is a reminder that we do not have school on Monday.  The rest of the week will follow along with our traditional Tuesday through Friday schedule.

Wrapping Up Unit 10 On Area

This week, we will work on wrapping up our tenth unit on area.  We will spend Tuesday's class learning about the relationships between perimeter and area of similar polygons.  A video lesson is available and I will also be available at 10am on Tuesday to go through a live lesson if anyone is interested.  Then we will begin our review on Wednesday.  I currently have our summative assessment scheduled for Thursday's class.  I posted a question within WebEx teams looking for feedback on this testing date.  Please let me know if you are ready for our summative on Thursday or if you would like additional time to review and push the test to the following week.

For those of you thinking ahead already, here is a list of the formulas and concepts that will be included on our unit 10 area summative:

Friday, April 3, 2020

What's Going On? April 6th through April 9th

Modified Schedule This Week

This week, classes will be held Monday through Thursday.  This means that we will follow a modified schedule this week with Monday as a "Tuesdsay-style" schedule, Tuesday as a "Wednesday-style" schedule, Wednesday as a "Thursday-style" schedule and Thursday as a "Friday-style" schedule.  There is no school on Friday, April 10th or Monday, April 13th.

Staying Organized

If anyone is looking for a way to stay organized, I made a template for keeping track of your daily virtual learning agenda as well as long-range goal planning. Feel free to use it if you would find it to be helpful. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YG3KCSbR3fieR6RE7IOiMYz5SSQsKEph-0RTJ0WpKd8/copy

Unit 10: Area

This week, we will continue with our tenth unit on area.  On Monday, our lesson will cover how to find the area of regular polygons, Tuesday's lesson will cover how to find the circumference and arc length of a circle, and Wednesday's lesson will cover how to find the area of circles, sectors, and segments.  For each day, I will post a video lesson and I will also be available at 10am via WebEx teams for anyone who would like to go through the lesson in real-time.  There is a homework assignment for each lesson that can be completed within Notability or through our Class Kick app.  So I can check our level of understanding, there is a brief formative assessment for each lesson.  Please let me know how I can best support you and your learning.  This situation is new to all of us.  I am here to help!

Saturday, March 28, 2020

What's Going On? March 30th through April 3rd

Welcome Back from Spring Break!

I know that we weren't able to experience a normal spring break, but hopefully, everyone was able to take a step back and relax a little bit during our week away from school.  Like many of you, I was able to spend some extra time with my family.  I was also able to get some things done around the house, bake, and go on a few runs.  It's definitely been a change from the normal routine, but my family and I are doing our best to stay active and positive during these uncertain times.

What Is Expected from Honors Geometry Students?

As of today, we can expect to continue our virtual learning through April 24th, unless we hear otherwise from our governor.  This is longer than we had initially anticipated, and we must all do our best within our current changed circumstances.  At this point, I have been told that our class will continue to run according to our usual North schedule.  This means that during a "normal week", we will have our Honors Geometry class Monday through Thursday.  Students are expected to complete the following:

  • Complete the Honors Geometry attendance form each day by 3pm
  • See the agenda for the day.  At this point, I plan on creating an announcement on BlackBoard and sending an e-mail through Infinite Campus with the daily tasks for the day.  
  • View the notes video and/or attend a live lesson session.  The time for the live lesson session will be listed within the daily agenda.  To begin with, I will schedule our live lesson for this week at 10am each day.  As other teachers and classes develop routines, I am flexible in changing this time, as needed.
  • Complete the assigned daily homework.
  • Ask questions!  I am here to help.  At this point, my official office hours are from 9-11am, but I am available at other points throughout the day by appointment.  Just ask!  Questions can be asked through WebEx teams, via email, or the assignments listed on Class Kick.
  • Be flexible and ask for what you need!  We are all navigating a new virtual learning system and we are all trying to figure this out.  Please let me know what you need!  I am here to support you and your learning through this time.

Wrapping Up Unit 9: Circles

On Monday, students will be responsible for completing the attendance form and the unit 9 review assignment on circles.  This assignment can be completed either through the Reveal website or through Class Kick.  I will host a live session at 10am to answer questions.  Otherwise, students can leave questions for me throughout the day in our WebEx teams room or via email.

On Tuesday, students will be responsible for completing the attendance form and the unit 9 summative assessment on circles.  Barring any technical difficulties, students should expect to complete this assessment through the Reveal website.  Since this is a new format for assessments, students are welcome to ask clarifying questions during the summative, either via email or WebEx teams.

On Wednesday, we will begin our unit on area.  First of all, students need to complete the attendance form on Blackboard.  Then, students can either choose to attend the live lesson session at 10am or view the video lesson on how to find the area of parallelograms and triangles.  Students will need to complete the homework assignment and formative assessment on BlackBoard.

On Thursday, we will continue our area study and focus on finding the area of kites, rhombuses, and kites.  Students will start the day by completing the attendance form on Blackboard.  Then, students can either choose to attend the live lesson session at 10am or view the video lesson.  Students will need to complete the homework assignment and formative assessment on BlackBoard.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions!  I am here for you!

~Mrs. Kamenar

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

What's Going On? March 18th through March 20th

Virtual Learning

Due to the Covid-19 virus, we will be moving our learning to the virtual space.  Parents, teachers, students, and the community are all doing their best to navigate this change together.  I would ask for your patience as we work through this adjustment period.  I will be doing my best to support students as we continue learning in this new environment.

For this week, students are expected to work within their core classes which would include Honors Geometry. Teachers are required to take daily attendance for classes.  For now, I am managing this via a form posted on our BlackBoard website.  Students will need to complete the form by 3pm each day for the attendance check.   For this week, I will hold "office hours" from 9-11am each day.  This means that I will be available to answer questions, walk through a lesson, and interact with students virtually at this time.  I do not know exactly how this will look and I do not know when other teachers are planning to meet virtually with their students.  However, I have uploaded a video explaining the lessons for the week on BlackBoard and have the first assignment loaded into the app Class Kick, so that I can help students online.  The link for Wednesday's Class Kick homework assignment is https://app.classkick.com/#/login/DJMKO6.

Before we transitioned to this virtual learning space, we were piloting the "Reveal" curriculum.  We will continue to use this tool through the remainder of this circles unit as there are some interactive tools, a place for students to get immediate feedback on their work via lesson checks, and a place for students to digitally submit their homework.

Additionally, all students and teachers have access to an app called "Web Ex Teams" which will allow us to video conference, I can share my screen, and students can ask questions.  I have added all of my students from all of my different classes to a space called "Mrs. Kamenar's Office Hours".  We will start with this general area.  Please take a moment or two to check it out and send me a message if you can.  We will do our best to navigate this all together and make adjustments as necessary.

Please don't hesitate to reach out as we work through this change together!
~Mrs. Kamenar

Friday, March 6, 2020

What's Going On? March 9th through March 13th

Unit 9: Circles

This week, we will be starting our ninth unit of the year on "Circles".  This week, we will talk about the properties of circles, how to calculate the circumference of a circle, and how to determine measurements of arcs, angles, and segments associated with a circle.  Students should expect to see a formative assessment or two during the week so we can check our level of understanding.

For this unit, we will be piloting a new curriculum by McGraw Hill called "Reveal".  Students will be given login credentials for a new resource online.  The math department will be piloting a total of three new math resources between now and October so we can make our best choice for math. future curriculum.  Please reach out and let me know if you have any questions. 

Friday, February 28, 2020

What's Going On? March 2nd through March 6th

Modified Schedule: ACT Tuesday, March 3rd

On Tuesday, March 3, 2020 North will host an ACT test.  All sophomores and juniors will report to school at 7:30am on Tuesday for the ACT.  The sophomores will complete a practice ACT test while the juniors will complete the official test.  All other students (freshmen and seniors) will have the day off of school on Tuesday.

Due to the ACT on Tuesday, we will have a modification for our schedule at the beginning of the week.  Monday will be a "Tuesday"-style schedule.  This means that the school day will begin at 7:35am for students in CCR/JIT and at 8:10 for all other students.

Wrapping Up Unit 8: Triangles

This week, we will wrap up our 8th unit on triangles.  We will spend Monday's class working on non-right triangle trigonometry word problems.  We will spend Wednesday's class reviewing for our summative and complete the summative assessment on Thursday.  There will be two major targets for our test:

  • 3d: I can solve for measures in right triangles
  • 3h: I can solve for measures in non-right triangles

I will be available for extra help on Wednesday and Thursday morning from 7-8am in room 300 if students would like to stop by to get extra help.

Students who have all of their formative work completed before we take the summative assessment may be eligible for a retake if things don't go as planned.